

作为一个国际学生, you must apply for a 社会安全号码 (SSN) in order to be paid wages in the US. You must have a job in order to obtain a SSN. You must not begin working before applying for your SSN!


  • 填写表格 就业证明表格 让你的主管在上面签字.
  • Email your 就业证明表格 to interstu@t9111.com and we will issue you a letter to accompany it, along with instructions about how to set up an appointment with the SSA.
  • If you are over 18 years old, you can complete your Social Security application 在线. Make sure to make note of your reference number when you submit!
  • 旅行 to the Social Security Administration office to apply for your 社会安全号码. Bring your passport, visa, I-20, I-94, and your ISSO forms.  *更详细的说明如下!*
  • Once you have applied for your SSN, have your job supervisor hire you in Workday. This will kick off your Onboarding Process and will create new notifications in your Workday account.
  • Complete Onboarding inbox items in Workday. 这些步骤包括:表格I-9的第一步, Federal and State Withholding Forms (W-4, M-4), 付款选择(直接存款), 可能还有更新过的照片.
  • 完成表格I-9的第二步, which consists of setting up an appointment to show your identification documents to the Payroll Office. 现在你可以工作了!
  • When you receive your SSN card in the mail, report your SSN to the Payroll Office! If you used the ISSO's address, we will email you when your card is here to pick up.



If you are off campus and need a 社会安全号码 for an off-campus job, please contact the 国际学生 & 学生事务处寻求协助.

Applying for your 社会安全号码

的 nearest Social Security Administration branch is located at: 马萨诸塞州霍利奥克高街200号邮编01040


我的.,外胎.,碰头.星期五上午9点.m.-4 p.m.


取 following documents with you to the Social Security Administration to apply:

  • 护照和I-20.
  • 打印出你最近的 I-94.
  • 就业证明表格.
  • Letter from the 国际学生 & 澳门葡京博彩软件办公室.
  • SS-5形式. 如果你愿意, you can enter in the ISSO address as your mailing address: 赖特大厅125号, 澳门葡京博彩软件, 北安普顿,MA 01063. 通过这样做, you give us permission to receive your SSN card, 打开文档, and share your number with Smith’s Payroll Office.

请 expect to wait in line at the Social Security Administration for approximately one hour. Often the earlier you arrive, the shorter the line is. 当你完成的时候, the SSA agent will give you a receipt to show that you have applied for a Social Security number. Your actual card with your SSN will arrive a few weeks later. Remember that your SSN is your financial identity in the US, so keep it safe and private. We recommend that you do not carry your SSN card in your wallet, but instead keep it in a secure place.


PVTA蓝48 在霍利约克. 预计乘车时间:32分钟

Get off at the bus depot at Veterans Park in the city of Holyoke. Walk 1 block to the corner of Dwight and High Street and turn left. SSA办公室就在你的右边. 当你完成的时候, return to the bus station and take the B48 bus back to 北安普顿. 请 Note: You cannot use your OneCard to ride for free on the B48, so bus fare is $1.单程50美元. 需要精确的更改. 的y will not make change for you on the bus. You may also purchase an all-day bus pass for $3.50.

U.S. 识别/驾照

Many international students at Smith will choose to obtain a 马萨诸塞州ID or 马萨诸塞州驾照 在北安普顿的时候.

In order to apply for either identification card, you will need to bring each of the following documents (plus applicable fees and application) to a nearby Registry of Motor Vehicles:

  • 硕士居留证明: For on-campus students, the ISSO can provide a residency letter for you. 请 请填写这张表格 and we will contact you to let you know when it is ready to pick up at the Lewis Global Studies Center (allow 2-4 days). If you live off-campus, please refer to the 文件清单 由RMV提供.
  • Proof of Lawful Presence and Birth Date: Passport, F-1 visa, I-20, and most recent I-94. 请参阅 文件清单 由RMV提供 for more information about this requirement.
  • 签名证明: 护照(以及最近的I-94), I-20, or Social Security card are most commonly used to prove signature. 请 note: each document can only prove one thing!  Your passport cannot prove BOTH date of birth and signature.
  • 社会安全号码 (SSN) or Letter of Denial: If you have an SSN, you'll need to report the number. 如果不是, you will need to visit the Social Security Administration and request a letter of denial (see Social Security information above) before applying for your Massachusetts identification. 

When you're ready to obtain a 马萨诸塞州驾照 please consult the following resources:

**PLEASE NOTE: Due to changes in the Real ID Act, Massachusetts will not issue photo identification to anyone with visa paperwork showing a total length of stay lasting less than one calendar year. If your program start and end dates on your I-20 are less than one calendar year apart, 你需要一个Mass的ID或执照, 请与国际标准化组织联系.

Contact 国际学生 and 澳门葡京博彩软件




电话: 413-585-7598 电子邮件: interstu@t9111.com

办公时间: 安排会议 和凯特琳院长 或与 克莱尔·希利· 当你方便的时候!